Canadian Healthy Schools Alliance

  • View the August 2019 Newsletter

    The Canadian Healthy Schools Alliance (CHSA) is a collaboration of stakeholders spanning the interest of both health and education working together to advance healthy school communities across Canada.

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    Our shared vision: is for every school in Canada to be a healthy school community.

    Our call to action: We believe that the physical and social environment in which young people spend a high proportion of every weekday has profound effects on their physical, emotional and mental health.  We believe that by brokering and strengthening collaboration and partnerships we can strengthen school capacity as a healthy setting for growth and development. 

    Our collective impact: focuses on strengthening equitable collaboration and knowledge exchange to support leaders and decision-makers in creating the conditions for K-12 school communities to fully embrace wellbeing.

    Our invitation:  The Alliance invites all organizations and individuals who share the Alliance’s vision to join. 

    Our Members:

    • attend 3 meetings and set priorities for action
    • plan, develop and implement Alliance activities and initiatives
    • provide endorsement of public documents as appropriate
    • ensure continuity in representation and attendance in meetings
    • communicate common messages by speaking on behalf of the collective
    • participate on working groups

    To find out more, contact an Alliance committee member